The Divine Masculine
by Kristine Wilkerson
The heart of this edition beats with balance; the balance between the divine masculine and divine feminine. As you will see, within this edition we connect with 11 remarkable men between 18 and 88 years of wisdom. We found unique perspectives, talents, ideas, gifts and forms of expression. Each one shares life experiences which provide insight into authentic presence manifesting as the fullest form of expression.
Maybe you recall our last edition, “Women of Distinction”? There we explored the idea that all women are women of distinction, even though we all question whether we are ever enough. Well, it turns out that doubt is not a matter of gender. The men too were reluctant to fully embrace their accomplishments, even though they are readily and abundantly apparent. I suppose humility knows no gender, even if pride in the right doses feels refreshingly honest.
Here, in “Men of Distinction” what came forward was the desire for deeper connection and greater impact. How balancing the two complementary (not competing) streams of masculine and feminine energy within each of us individually brings harmony, which then expresses itself in creativity and service. And from this place of creativity, the divine ripples out to embrace every one, man, woman and all of our glorious iterations in between.
Mark and I love co-creating C Within Magazine with all of our magnificent collaborators. We learn and grow with each edition. We are grateful. We hope you feel the energy of collaboration not competition; the energy of unique perspectives not judgments of right or wrong; the energy of everyone as creatives and artists. We hope you tingle with the energy of masculine and feminine that coexists in each of us; the energy of the divine.